In Vitro Diagnosis
Home Solutions In Vitro Diagnosis
In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD)
In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) covers a wide range of detection fields from biochemistry to molecules, and from immunity to microorganisms. Its technology runs through the entire treatment process of the disease, from preliminary diagnosis to the selection of treatment plans, and then to the evaluation of treatment effects. In vitro diagnosis plays a vital role in clinical diagnosis. With the development of medical technology and the growth of personalized medical needs, the accuracy and efficiency of in vitro diagnosis directly affect the accuracy of diagnostic results and the success rate of treatment.
In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD)
Customer Demand

In the field of medical in vitro diagnostics, customers have extremely high requirements for the accuracy and reliability of the injection system:

High-precision fluid transfer is required to ensure accurate measurement of samples and reagents.

A long-life sampling system is required to reduce maintenance costs and improve equipment stability.

To have high corrosion resistance when using corrosive solvents for pipeline flushing.

Waste liquid containing crystals or blood clots can be discharged from the system promptly and effectively.

Longer programme
Longer Pump provides precision fluid transmission solutions including micro piston pumps and peristaltic pumps for the special needs of the medical in vitro diagnostic field. These solutions significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of in vitro diagnostics by precisely controlling the delivery of samples and reagents.
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