Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1F,L300-1F,L600-1F,L100-1FS,L300-1FS,L600-1FS
  • Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1F,L300-1F,L600-1F,L100-1FS,L300-1FS,L600-1FS
  • Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1F,L300-1F,L600-1F,L100-1FS,L300-1FS,L600-1FS
  • Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1F,L300-1F,L600-1F,L100-1FS,L300-1FS,L600-1FS
  • Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1F,L300-1F,L600-1F,L100-1FS,L300-1FS,L600-1FS
  • Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1F,L300-1F,L600-1F,L100-1FS,L300-1FS,L600-1FS
  • Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1F,L300-1F,L600-1F,L100-1FS,L300-1FS,L600-1FS
Product Features




Technical Parameters
Parameters L100-1F,L300-1F,L600-1F,L100-1FS,L300-1FS,L600-1FS
最大参考流量 0.15uL/min-3000mL/min
适配泵头型号 YZ1515x,YZII15,YZ2515x,YZII25,FG15-13,FG25-13,DMD15-13-B,BZ15-13-A,BZ15-13-B,BZ15-13-C,BZ15-13-D,BZ25-13-B,DG15-24,DG15-28,DG-(1,2,4,6,8)6滚轮,DG-(1,2,4)10滚轮
转速范围 0.1-600rpm,CW/CCW
转速调节分辨率 转速<100rpm时分辨率为0.1rpm,转速>=100rpm时分辨率为1rpm
显示方式 7寸1024x600像素真彩液晶屏
工作模式 编程模式
控制方式 触摸屏控制、脚踏开关控制、外部信号控制、通信控制
校准功能 输入测试泵送液量,自动校准流量和液量
外控功能 启停控制/方向控制:电平信号和触点信号可选<br />速度控制:0-5V/0-10V/4-20mA/0-10kHz可选,接口统一,最大转速可设
通信控制功能 采用Modbus规约,支持多种波特率 <br />(1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400bps)
外形尺寸 294x180x235(mm)
适用电源 AC100V-240V,50Hz/60Hz
工作环境温度 温度:0℃-40C
工作环境湿度 相对湿度:<80%
防护等级 IP31
重量 5.0kg
Demonstration Video
  • Longer Pump Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1FS Dispensing Demo

  • Longer Pump How to Load Pump Head YZ1515X L100-1FS

  • Longer Pump Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1FS Automatic Pump Head or Tubing Recognition

  • Longer Pump Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100/300/600-1F Footswitch Installation and Provisioning

  • Longer Pump L100-1F Intelligent Peristaltic Pump Touchscreen Control Mode

  • Longer Pump L100-1F Intelligent Peristaltic Pump External Control Mode

  • Longer Pump L100-1F intelligent Peristaltic Pump Communication Control Mode

  • Longer Pump L100-1F Intelligent Peristaltic Pump External Control Mode

  • Longer Pump L100-1F intelligent Peristaltic Pump Communication Control Mode

  • Longer Pump Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1FS Dispensing Demo
  • Longer Pump How to Load Pump Head YZ1515X L100-1FS
  • Longer Pump Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1FS Automatic Pump Head or Tubing Recognition
  • Longer Pump Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100/300/600-1F Footswitch Installation and Provisioning
  • Longer Pump L100-1F Intelligent Peristaltic Pump Touchscreen Control Mode
  • Longer Pump L100-1F Intelligent Peristaltic Pump External Control Mode
  • Longer Pump L100-1F intelligent Peristaltic Pump Communication Control Mode
  • Longer Pump L100-1F Intelligent Peristaltic Pump External Control Mode
  • Longer Pump L100-1F intelligent Peristaltic Pump Communication Control Mode

Technical Specifications


Suitable Pump Heads and Tubing


Appearance Dimension Diagram


Usage And Operation

Flow Curve



  • Product Features
  • Technical Parameters
  • Demonstration Video
  • Application Scenarios
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