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Peristaltic Pump Tubing Norprene Chemical

Peristaltic Pump Tubing Norprene Chemical

Norprene® Chemical Tubing is a high performance co-extruded product specifically formulated to provide an ideal combination of chemical resistance and pump life.

Flow rates:-

Max. Number of Channels:Max. Flowrate Per Channel


suitable for peristaltic pump head

Product Instruction:

Long flex life in peristaltic pumps
Temperature range of -75° F to 165° F
Superior chemical resistance
Plasticizer-free bore
Meets FDA criteria for food contact
Resists absorption adsorption of aqueous fluids
Virtually unaffected by chemical sanitizers and cleaners
Complies with FDA 21 CFR, 177.1520 criteria and is applicable for food contact applications
Unaffected by most commercial sanitizers and cleaners
Can be autoclaved for up to five cycle times without affecting its overall service life

Main Functions and Features

Tubing Type Tubing No. ID (mm) Wall Thickness (mm) Acceptable Pump Head */pk
Norprene®Chemical 16# 3.1 1.6 YZ1515x YZⅡ15 DG15-24 TH15 15Meters
Norprene®Chemical 25# 4.8 15Meters
Norprene®Chemical 17# 6.4 YZ1515x YZⅡ15 DG15-24 15Meters
Norprene®Chemical 82# 12.7 KZ35 YZ35 YZ35-13 15Meters