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Chip Manufacturing
As the global semiconductor industry is booming, China is accelerating the creation of an independent and controllable chip industry. As the world's largest consumer of semiconductor products, China has a huge demand for chips, and the independent research and development and manufacturing capabilities of "China's chips" are not only related to economic competitiveness but also to national security. From sand and gravel to wafers, and then to precision chips, this process involves many complex processes, and each step has extremely high requirements for the accuracy and purity of fluid transmission.
Chip Manufacturing
Customer Demand

In chip manufacturing, customers’ requirements for precision pump systems encompass several critical aspects:

Media compatibility: The pumped media often include acidic and alkaline reagents. Therefore, the pump must exhibit excellent chemical compatibility.

Flow control: Fine flow ccontrol is essential, typically in the range of tens of milliliters per minute. Achieving a flow accuracy of ±2% is crucial.

Liquid volume range: Depending on the coating thickness, the pumping liquid volume required can vary from tens of milliliters to hundreds of milliliters.

Process quality: To ensure chip manufacturing quality, the pump must be capable of contributing to good coating uniformity and the formation of a dense film layer.

Longer programme
Longerpump provides a comprehensive solution for the special needs of China's chip manufacturing industry. The solution is based on the intelligent peristaltic pump L100-1F, equipped with YZ1515x-A pump head and 25# PharMed tube to meet the strict requirements of precision fluid transmission in the chip manufacturing process.
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