

  • Scientific Research
  • Biopharmaceuticals
  • In Vitro Diagnosis
  • Medical Equipment
  • Environment Protection
  • Chemical Industry
  • Food and Beverage
  • Scientific Research

    As the global semiconductor industry is booming, China is accelerating the creation of an independent and controllable chip industry. As the world's largest consumer of semiconductor products, China has a huge demand for chips, and the independent research and development and manufacturing capabilities of "China's chips" are not only related to economic competitiveness but also to national security. From sand and gravel to wafers, and then to precision chips, this process involves many complex processes, and each step has extremely high requirements for the accuracy and purity of fluid transmission.
  • Biopharmaceuticals

    Drug quality is the first line of defence to protect human health, and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is the gold standard for ensuring drug quality. GMP stipulates a series of strict standards that pharmaceutical companies must follow, covering every aspect from raw material procurement, production process control, facility and equipment maintenance, product packaging and transportation, to quality testing. These standards not only guarantee the safety and effectiveness of drugs but also serve as the cornerstone for companies to gain market access and win consumer trust. Under the framework of GMP, the pharmaceutical industry continues to improve production technology and optimize process flow to meet growing market demand and regulatory requirements.
  • In Vitro Diagnosis

    In vitro diagnostics (IVD) covers a wide range of detection fields from biochemistry to molecules, and from immunity to microorganisms. Its technology runs through the entire treatment process of the disease, from preliminary diagnosis to the selection of treatment plans, and then to the evaluation of treatment effects. In vitro diagnosis plays a vital role in clinical diagnosis. With the development of medical technology and the growth of personalized medical needs, the accuracy and efficiency of in vitro diagnosis directly affect the accuracy of diagnostic results and the success rate of treatment.
  • Medical Equipment

    In the field of tumour treatment, radiofrequency ablation technology has become an important means of treating solid tumours, especially liver tumours, due to its minimally invasive nature and high efficiency. The emergence of cold-electrode radiofrequency ablators effectively avoids tissue carbonization by reducing electrode temperature, improves treatment effects, and provides new treatment options for tumour patients.
  • Environment Protection

    With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, sewage treatment has become an important part of protecting water resources and preventing water pollution. Sewage treatment technology is continually advancing. From primary physical treatment to tertiary deep purification, each step plays a vital role. In this process, industrial pumps are key equipment, and their performance directly impacts the efficiency and quality of sewage treatment.
  • Chemical Industry

    Given the current stringent environmental protection measures, the issue of air pollution is especially significant. As a major coal-burning country, China's sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide emissions are among the highest in the world, which seriously affects air quality and human health. The flue gas emitted by coal-fired power plants contains a variety of harmful substances, posing a serious threat to the environment. Therefore, strengthening environmental monitoring of pollution sources and implementing effective emission control are important measures to improve air quality and protect people's health.
  • Food and Beverage

    The food industry, as an important pillar of the global economy, is undergoing a profound technological innovation. Although traditional manual skills are irreplaceable in maintaining the flavour of food, their limitations are becoming increasingly prominent. To meet the growing market demand, the food industry is moving towards automation and mechanization to achieve more efficient, stable and safer production. The implementation of automatic line technology has significantly boosted production efficiency and ensured consistent product quality. Additionally, it has improved working conditions, reduced production costs, and shortened production cycles.
