Application in laboratory
dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
dLSP 501X is a high-precision digital laboratory syringe pump actuator. The series is divided into three models: dLSP 501L, dLSP 501LS, and dLSP 50LW. They can be controlled and displayed through a 7-inch industrial touch LCD. One controller can control 4 actuators.
  • dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
  • dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
  • dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
  • dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
  • dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
  • dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
  • dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
  • dLSP 501X Series Digital Split Syringe Pump
Product Features

Small size, compact structure, easy to hold and fix.

Smooth flow, high precision, suitable for the transmission and processing of trace liquids.

Technical Parameters
Parameters dLSP 501X
控制器 dLSP uC
控制器显示 7寸彩色液晶屏
行程控制精度 误差≤士0.35%(行程≥最大行程的30%时)
行程控制重复性精度 0.03%(额定行程)
锁屏功能 防止误操作
外形尺寸(控制器) 187x123x39mm
重量(控制器) 0.6kg
适用电源(控制器) AC 90V-260V/30W
Demonstration Video
  • Longer Pump dLSP 501 Simulator V1 0 0 Software operation interface preview

  • Longer Pump dLSP 501X Digital Split type Syringe Pump

  • Longer Pump dLSP 501 Simulator V1 0 0 Software operation interface preview
  • Longer Pump dLSP 501X Digital Split type Syringe Pump
Application Scenarios



  • Product Features
  • Technical Parameters
  • Demonstration Video
  • Application Scenarios
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