LSP01-2A Laboratory Syringe Pump
系统采用128 x 64 液晶显示参数及各种工作状态,配以全数字薄膜按键、旋转编码开关使得参数的选择与设置非常简便;人机界面十分友好。可同时装卡规定范围内不同规格的注射器(进样器)。适合高精度、小流量的液体传输。
  • LSP01-2A Laboratory Syringe Pump
  • LSP01-2A Laboratory Syringe Pump
  • LSP01-2A Laboratory Syringe Pump
  • LSP01-2A Laboratory Syringe Pump
Product Features



Technical Parameters
Parameters LSP01-2A
通道数量 1
最大行程 140mm
额定线性推力 >90N
通信接口 RS485
外形尺寸 280X210X140(mm)
工作环境相对湿度 <80%
工作环境温度 0℃~40℃
适用电源 AC90V-260V/15W
Demonstration Video
  • Longer Pump LSP Series Syringe Pump Communication operating Demonstration

  • Longer Pump LSP Syringe Pump Basic Operation

  • Longer Pump LSP Series Syringe Pump RS485 Software Control Video

  • Longer Pump LSP Series Syringe Pump Communication operating Demonstration
  • Longer Pump LSP Syringe Pump Basic Operation
  • Longer Pump LSP Series Syringe Pump RS485 Software Control Video
Application Scenarios


  • Product Features
  • Technical Parameters
  • Demonstration Video
  • Application Scenarios
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